
The Bassmark is the first leading synth module of the Flotta lines of hardwares. It is a 3 channel digital synth with a groundbreaking UI to let the users modulate their soundcapses in ways, it has never been possible before. Unique to the design is the slider encoders that can be mapped with any values and macros, the synth digitally handles.

Each channel able to operate in mono and poly state. The encoder hub offers full hands-on control to every essential soundscaping value. Envelope generation, Filter and Effect pages are grouping the 3 by 3 group. Values in this pages are routable with one click to the slider encoders.

The case design is a first step, to include more modules, tightly attached to each other, enabling a 5 pin digital communication link between later devices


ELICIA cargo plane


Audi RS Q8